Saturday, April 13, 2013

AJ Rafael and KZ Tandingan-Titanium

Yet again Aj Rafael is making another appearance on my blog. He should really start paying me or at least make me his publicist for all the exposure I am getting him. The exposure consisting of the eight, possibly nine  people that read me blog.

KZ Tandingan sings along with AJ in their cover of Titanium originally by David Guetta ft. Sia. KZ Tandinagan was the first winner of The X Factor Philippines and it's no surprise because she has an extraordinary voice. When I first heard her sing I was immediately jealous of her voice but then that jealousy turned into admiration. Both their voices complement each other so well that as soon as they started singing together, I got chills. No joke.

The simplicity of the cover was just perfect. There was no synths, effects, drums to distract you from the pure talent. Most songs now are overloaded with these things and it becomes extremely distracting, for me at least, when listening to the song. The basics of the song is drowned out and all that you can hear is just noise. I'm not saying every artist does this and some have actually found a good balance such as David Guetta but it is nice to hear once in a while a singer(s) and their one instrument. AJ and KZ definitely are able to bring the raw emotion and essence out of the song by sticking to the basics. It really is an amazing cover and one of my favorites so far. Enjoy!

Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia

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